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Experienced Sexual Assault Defense Lawyer in Calgary

Defending Your Rights with Expertise and Compassion

Being accused of sexual assault can be one of the most stressful experiences. The potential for severe legal consequences means you need the right defense lawyer. 

At Centobin Law, we specialize in defending individuals facing sexual assault charges. We provide compassionate, discreet, and aggressive representation to protect your rights and future.

If you're facing these serious accusations, don't go through it alone. Our legal team is here to help you build a strong defense. With us, you will have a trustworthy criminal defense lawyer in Calgary working for you. 

Call us to get a free, confidential consultation today.

Sexual Assault Defense

Understanding Sexual Assault Charges Under the Criminal Code of Canada

Sexual assault is a serious criminal charge. It's essential to understand what the law says. Under the Criminal Code of Canada, sexual assault is defined as any non-consensual sexual activity. It includes physical contact of a sexual nature that violates the integrity of another person.

The Canadian legal system takes a strict approach to sexual assault cases. If convicted, you could face harsh penalties, including:

  • Jail Time: Depending on the severity, sentences can range from a few months to several years in prison.
  • Criminal Record: A sexual assault conviction can stay on your record for life. It affects your ability to find work, travel, and more.
  • Sex Offender Registration: A conviction often results in mandatory registration as a sex offender, which comes with long-term consequences.
  • Fines and Probation: The court may impose fines or probation conditions in addition to jail time. These conditions may include no contact with the alleged victim.

In Canada, there are varying degrees of sexual assault charges, from simple sexual assault to aggravated sexual assault. The severity of the charge depends on factors such as the following- 

  • whether a weapon was used, 
  • if the victim was injured, 
  • and if there was more than one accused involved.

These consequences make it crucial to seek immediate legal advice if you’re facing a sexual assault charge. 

The Importance of Immediate Legal Help

If you’ve been accused of sexual assault, it's essential to act quickly. The sooner you have an experienced criminal defense lawyer, the better your chances of a favorable outcome. Here’s why contacting an attorney immediately is critical:

  • Protect Your Rights: Once charges are laid, anything you say can be used against you. Having a lawyer ensures you know when to speak and when to remain silent.
  • Prevent Unnecessary Mistakes: Early legal intervention can help prevent mistakes that can harm your case.
  • Prepare for Court: With our legal team involved early, we can start building a solid case before the trial begins. This includes gathering witnesses, gathering supporting evidence, and preparing you for what’s to come.
  • Negotiate Early Settlements: In some cases, swift legal action can lead to charges being dropped or reduced before your case even reaches trial.

Common Defenses for Sexual Assault Cases

When it comes to defending against sexual assault charges, there are several legal defenses available. We will analyze the details of your case to determine which defense strategy is most appropriate. Some of the common defenses include:

  • Consent: Proving that the complainant consented to the sexual activity can be a strong defense. However, it must be clear that consent was freely given and not influenced by threats or coercion.
  • Mistaken Identity: In some cases, the accused may have been misidentified. This can happen when the victim doesn’t know their attacker, and identity evidence may be crucial. 
  • False Accusation: Unfortunately, false accusations of sexual assault do occur. Our team works diligently to uncover the complainant's motives for making false claims. 
  • Lack of Evidence: The burden of proof is on the prosecution to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the assault occurred. If they cannot do so, you may be acquitted due to insufficient evidence.

Why Choose Centobin Law?

When you face criminal charges, working with an experienced criminal lawyer is essential. Here’s why you can count on our law firm:

Proven Track Record: We have successfully defended many clients facing sexual assault charges. We have the experience to navigate the complexities of these sensitive cases.

Deep Knowledge of Calgary’s Legal System: Our team is well-versed in local laws. We know the courts and prosecutors and how to craft a defense that works in your favor.

Confidential and Compassionate Service: At Centobin Law, we prioritize client confidentiality. We approach each case with empathy. We understand the stress and pressure that accusations of this nature can cause.

Aggressive Defense Strategy: We leave no stone unturned in defending our clients. From analyzing the evidence to cross-examining witnesses, we defend your rights relentlessly.

Our Proven Defense Strategy

Defending against sexual assault charges requires a detailed, customized legal strategy. We approach each case with a comprehensive strategy. 

Here’s how we can help:

Thorough Investigation of Evidence: Our team will carefully examine the evidence against you. This includes reviewing police reports, medical records, witness statements, and any video or audio recordings.

Challenging Witness Testimony: In many cases, witness testimony is one of the primary pieces of evidence against the accused. We meticulously cross-examine witnesses to expose inconsistencies or biases that could undermine the case against you.

Scrutinizing the Complainant's Account: The credibility of the complainant’s statement is critical. We investigate whether there are any reasons their account could be unreliable or false. 

Defending Consent: In many sexual assault cases, consent is the focal point of the defense. We work to establish that consent was given and challenge the prosecution’s narrative if it claims otherwise.

Negotiating Reduced Charges or Dismissal: If going to trial is not in your best interest, we may negotiate with the Crown for reduced charges or dismissal. However, it will based on the evidence we’ve gathered.

Using Expert Witnesses: In complex cases, we may call upon medical experts, psychologists, or other professionals to support your defense.

Every case is unique. Our legal team takes the time to understand your version of events to build an effective defense. 

If you encounter any legal issues, we are here to help.


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